Welcome to this issue of Mineral Essence which features the crystal prescription for wrinkle removal. The thought is that this would be an appropriate topic coming from the website www.essence-of-mineral-makeup.com. Many future prescriptions will not deal with skin but with other health issues.
1. What is a wrinkle?
2. Crystal meaning of Fluorite.
3. Crystal meaning of Ulexite.
4. How to make a crystal remedy.
5. Mica of mineral makeup.

1. What is a wrinkle? There are four components to a wrinkle that correspond to four layers of skin. As we age, and each layer of skin loses some of its youthful properties, a fine line on the surface of the skin becomes a deeply grooved wrinkle that becomes more noticeable and widespread as time goes on. This has prompted the plethora of wrinkle reducing and anti-wrinkle treatments that are on the market today. Unless they deal with the underlying problems, the wrinkles will superficially be moisturized and reappear once they dry out. For this reason, wrinkle treatment not only has to deal with the outer layer, but also the underlying layers to keep the wrinkles in control. The next two healing stones vibrationally remove wrinkles.
2. Fluorite is known as the genius stone. It increases concentration and decision making. It absorbs and neutralizes negative vibrations. It enhances the vibrational abilities of other healing stones. It can be used as a meditative stone to help energize the body and raise the power of concentration. Among the many things healers will use it for, Fluorite is a vibrational wrinkle remover that can be placed on the wrinkle, on the heart chakra, worn as jewelry, taken as a crystal remedy or bath with it.
3. Ulexite is known as the TV stone because the colorless slices have a property which is akin to fiber optics. If you place a slice of ulexite above a page then the page’s image will be seen on the surface akin to a TV image. It clears the aura, the mind and the heart. It can help one gain insight to previously unknown. It is a direct stone that helps the body absorb more light. Healers indicate that you should bath the skin with an Ulexite crystal remedy to remove wrinkles.
4. There is a special way to bottle the vibrational energy of crystals. Here is more on how to make a crystal remedy.
5. Both Fluorite and Ulexite both contain the mineral element calcium. Calcium is also an element of mica found in mineral makeup. Mica provides for self reflection and allows one to recognize that “in each person you see but the reflection of that which you choose to have that person be.” It can be used in clarity in visions and mysticism. Is there any reason why you wouldn't want wear Fluorite, Ulexite and mica vibrational qualities on your face? Wow! Younger looking already!!!
As a special May month treat, the password to the cosmetic store is May2009, click on the link!
