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Peridot – (Olivine, Chrysolite)
Peridot, a kind of olivine or chrysolite, has been known as a protective stone since the beginning of time. Structurally, this stone is magnesium iron silicate mineral with an orthorhombic crystal structure and has a hardness of 7. Iron deposits in the crystal give it its green color. These minerals are found in mineral makeup that you wear on your face. HistoryAccording to the historical records, the Egypt Island of Zagbargad has been known for its rich deposits of Peridot. Around, 2,500 ago, the ancient Egyptians used this stone to make beads while the Greeks and the Romans used it for different kinds of jewelry in the third and fourth century. This stone was quite popular in the 1800s in places like Europe and United States. In the modern world, Peridot is found in places like United States, South Africa, Brazil, Australia, Burma and Pakistan. The ancient folklore regards Peridot as a stone of sun, prosperity and of course protection. It was an important part of the breastplate of the high priest. Today, this stone is still regarded as a stone of prosperity by the modern day intuitive thinkers. Special VibrationsPeridot emits vibrations of positivity, wellness and inner warmth. This stone helps in the activation of the third and fourth chakras. This stone helps people to realize their destiny and also helps in becoming generous and listening to their hearts. This stone can be used to create abundance both in the spiritual and financial aspects. Peridot works with the "frequency of Increase". It helps in receiving abundance in all levels and realizing that abundance is actually the birth right of a human being. Whether it is gardening, healing, business or even bringing up children, this stone can help in enhancing the process and bring success and abundance in all aspects of life. It can banish past guilt and reawaken a sense of self worth. It helps people to grow and walk on their own path of evolution without being hindered by any kinds of spiritual fears. This stone can be a great support in realizing your own responsibility and even healing a "hurt" ego by eliminating negative emotions like anger and jealousy. This stone can help in all kinds of searches whether physical, emotional or spiritual. Realms of NatureThis stone is great for healers since it is attuned with the realms of Nature. It can even be used to communicate with the interdimensional Earth beings along with nature spirits, fairy and devic realms. It can be used to communicate with plants and animals as well. EmotionOn an emotional level, Peridot helps people to receive in life. Many people keep giving in life and feel themselves unworthy of receiving the energy, abundance and love. This stone helps in removing such blockages and teaches people to receive with love and gratitude. PhysicallyOn the physical plane, Peridot can help in all kinds of heart related imbalances. It is a great stone for healing anemia and problems of poor oxygen supply. It’s one of the best stones to deal with addiction of any kind - including tobacco. It also helps in healing eye problems like astigmatism and near sightedness. It works well in case of problems related to the stomach and duodenum. This stone can help the process of birthing by opening up the birth canal and stimulating contractions. It is effective stone in detoxifying your body, but it is such a strong catalyst that it may even cause emotional outpourings and violent physical reactions. Therefore, it's advisable to use this stone for people who are stable and are consciously looking for detoxification.
Peridot is associated with the zodiac signs of Sagittarius, Leo, Scorpio and Virgo. It works on the heart and solar plexus chakra and vibrates to the numbers 5 and 6. back to the top of peridot page Have A Great Story About This Topic?Do you have a great story about this? Share it! Don't just build a website, build a web business! Beauty is just a click away! Visit me, your Independent Beauty Consultant.
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