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The Tetragonal Lifestyle 's Long and Short
People often try to compare a rectangle with a square. However, except the fact that they both have four sides, there is nothing similar between the two. Similarly, though a tetragonal lifestyle may look similar to a cubic one, in reality, both these are miles apart. Unlike a cubic lifestyle, a tetragonal lifestyle has two faces, outer and inner. What appears logical and orderly to the world is simply an illusion. Most of it is spontaneous; however, the spontaneity can be explained to the world with logic. A tetragonal personality is constantly making plans and then trashing them due to two reasons. One is due to changes that are spontaneous, and the second is due to the inherent problem in time management. Though you know that things will turn out differently than what you plan, yet you try to create some kind of order in your life. However, changes don't worry you since you are used to them, nevertheless people around you may get disconcerted due to these changes. Time Management UnpredictabilityChanges are welcomed in a tetragonal lifestyle because routine and repetitions are boring. Once, something is finished, something new is required. You like to explore new concepts and discard the ones that don't make sense or don't have a utility value. You like to improve and improvise constantly which allows you to grow as a person. However, this very quality also causes people to think of you as an unpredictable person. You see the world through your emotions and analysis capability. The analysis is influenced by the feelings of the moment and that is the reason you can actually explain everything quite logically. When the feelings change, the logic also changes, yet it makes complete sense at the moment. In short, you have an answer to any and every question that arises about all that you are passionate about. Who Are You Really?Tetragonal personalities often have a dual nature. They tend to reveal their feeling to people they want and conceal it from others. They can also hide their true feelings and mood from people. This holds true for their physical appearance as well. They can vary their appearance depending on their mood and life situation. As a result, their appearance is a great reflection of their feelings, status and well being at the moment. On the flip side, this leads to a double life. Concealing, lying and deceit may come easily to such people. Facades take a lot of effort to be maintained and once the true picture comes out, you try to use your ability to interpret it logically and reasonably. Most times, you may win the game; however, when you lose, it may lead to a complete loss of self-esteem and loss of face. There is a Reason for EverythingOn a positive note, tetragonal personalities do well as researchers and scientists. They love to know the "why" of everything. They like trying out new ideas, new experiments and new processes and searching for the truth behind everything. They love challenges, the bigger the better! The stones that can help a tetragonal personality are cassiterite, rutile, zircon, wulfenite and idocrase. Wearing the elemental minerals on your face as mineral makeup can enhance the growth process in life in a metaphysical sense.
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